Process for Importing Classic American Cars into New Zealand Image © |
Importing Vehicles and parts from the USA.
Importing vehicles from the USA has become more difficult in recent years. We can still help find and bring in vehicles from the USA but freight costs have more than doubled in the last few years.
It is probably less expensive and stressful to purchase in NZ if you can find your dream car here. If you want to advertise in NZ for a particular vehicle send us the information and we will put it on our "Classified" page.
Legislation in NZ is making the Vinning process harder - it pays to check the LTSA website for the latest information. If you live in the South Island, finding someone with the correct
qualifications to VIN your car for NZ is extremely difficult unless you are in Dunedin!
We still have trustworthy friends in the USA who can find cars for us but I am not showcasing
any until importing gets a little easier.
If you find a vehicle for yourself in the USA we are happy to help you import it. Remember the
States where it snows rust is always a consideration. It is also more costly to truck to the
nearest port that ships to NZ.